With nearly fifty years of experience and over 1,000,000 attendees from most of the Fortune 500, KARRASS’s techniques have been proven effective over and over again. Our thousands of enthusiastic reviews tell the story.
“This was the most stimulating seminar I've ever been through. The material, discussions, use of real life examples were memorable. I know this program will save millions for my company.”
The team's dedication and expertise have driven our success beyond expectations.
Learning KARRASS Negotiation Skills was like when I learned that you actually can divide by a negative number in math. There's a whole other layer of calculations possible I was previously unaware of.
Excellent for any business venture/organization or anyone counting to have their negotiating skills.
No better way to prepare yourself for real world negotiating than with the KARRASS Effective case studies!
Negotiating is both done at work and in everyday life. This course applies to both. A well developed seminar that you won't ever forget. Take it, it's worth it.
They do not teach you how to negotiate in college. You either have to learn the hard way through experience or attend a KARRASS course.
I have a clarity about my job now and how to achieve success. My life is about to open up and I can't wait.
Not only did I learn a lot more than I expected to, I had a great deal of fun throughout!
If you have the training budget and two days to spare, you'll struggle to find a program more far-reaching, on-point, and instantly implementable. Tremendous R.O.I.
Excellent program. I will propose that my entire Senior Management Team take this program. Just outstanding.
I never realized that I always have power in a negotiation, no matter how much pressure I might be feeling. I never realized what a pushover I've been in the past!
Within a day I was a better negotiator Hands down this training provides the most detailed map to effective communication while negotiating.
This seminar helped me realize not only what options or tools I have available to use in a negotiation but also how to identify which tactics are being used against me and how best to counter in order to reach a both-win resolution.
I have been in procurement for 10 years, but this is my first real educational experience. This seminar has helped me to expand on my strengths, identify my weaknesses and provide tools to improve both.
This has to be the single best class I've ever taken to improve both my business and personal skills.
KARRASS Effective Negotiating allowed me to realize how ill-equipped I was in most business meetings prior to taking the course. I now have a well stocked toolbox to work with, and it was fun, too.
This course has made me re-evaluate the way I look at negotiations in the fact that I will listen a lot more for critical information.
Our business today is going through a period of flux and everything is a negotiation, internally and externally. We are dealing with new vendors and business partners who are all demanding resources. This training will better prepare and equip me to deal with those demands.
Program was great: good length, good presenter, great material.
It was very effective and I can't wait to incorporate some of the things I learned into my daily life.
Offers many practical, real-world examples.
Program was very good. An excellent reinforcement of principles in use every day in business and personal life.
It's practical and provided me with a more logical and systematic approach to negotiating.
Excellent program. This was quite an eye-opening experience. I learned a lot of hardy negotiating tricks that will be very useful in my job. I can't wait to put everything I learned to use.
I now feel well equipped to negotiate the contracts on my desk within the next few months.I'm also going to use this training to achieve savings in my personal life.
I thought this was an excellent presentation. I am leaving with more confidence and tools to learn to how to be successful at reaching my goal of lower prices.
Insightful, helpful, actual. These are techniques that are easily applied to real life situations.
Excellent class, I should have taken this years ago.
What a fun and eye-opening program. It made me think about better ways to negotiate.
Outstanding program, with guiding principles and rules easy enough to be applied in the most difficult situations.
The program is great for any position within any business. It absolutely will aid in any negotiation.
If I don't save my company at least an additional $1 million this year because of this seminar, I'm not doing a very good job.
The KARRASS ways of negotiating and the way the information was presented helped me to realize that I do have the strength and confidence inside of myself to become a strong and knowledgeable negotiator.
Best negotiations training I've ever attended. Very informative, interactive, and fun!
Hands-on training at its best!
Thank you for exposing me to many new tactics and negotiating skills.
Best class I've ever taken. It really relates to real life experiences.
Excellent material—extremely usable!
Good combination of common sense tools and intuition-challenging techniques.
This program was one of the best presented programs I've taken. It will clearly assist me with better planning for negotiation.
Top notch program, presenter and resources.
The KARRASS seminar has taught me that there are many more ways to negotiate than I ever thought or imagined.
Excellent overall presentation to the world of negotiations.
Excellent class, certainly skills and tools were presented which I can use throughout life.
This training makes you look at your daily activities differently.
I learned useful skills to help me improve substantially in an area I find to be normally difficult.
By far the most valuable 2 days I've ever spent learning tools and techniques for building business relationships and negotiating differences.
The tools I learned this week will enable me to successfully negotiate for many years throughout this and other organizations.
The overall program is good, well paced. The instructor has excellent depth of knowledge in negotiation. The most useful material for me was understanding all the tactics Buyers use.
Finding ways to resolve differences became clear.
This class was extremely helpful in understanding different views and aspects involved in the negotiation process. I took away some excellent tips for my professional and personal life. Extremely energetic and stimulating, interesting thoughts and conversations.
The value of this class was obvious in my first successful negotiation after the class.
This class provided me with skills in all areas of my life. This class is critical to being successful in today's world.
Well structured and facilitated. Principles presented may be well applied equally for business, social and personal/family negotiations.
Best instructor ever, large amount of information presented and reinforced in an entertaining way.
Very informative and insightful.
Thank you for providing me with tools, giving me confidence
Outstanding! Where were you ten year ago!
This method will empower me to understand the psychology of negotiating.
It was the most informative and interesting training I have ever taken.
Great class, Worth every penny!
An awesome hands-on learning experience. This course will add value to all of your future negotiations.
Great tool for preparing you to survive the real world.
Failure to plan your negotiation is a plan to fail at your negotiation. Great course.
This is an excellent class in that it shows you both sides of the negotiation process. Not only how to protect your interests but more importantly the story that other party always has.
I would recommend this class to anyone whether they are in a direct negotiations role or not. This program will help with your daily interactions at work and personally.
Excellent program - highly recommend for anyone in construction industry. Program covers all types of negotiations encountered in the industry.
The program is excellent. Skills developed here are not only for business, but also application in our daily lives. Now I know the tactics that seller is likely to be using and I am in a better position to respond.
This program was an excellent way to learn the tools available for negotiation. I really enjoyed learning everything that was presented and participating in the classroom exercises. This training will make me more effective in my job and career.
Excellent seminar. World class negotiating techniques and principals in everyday language.
I think of a seminar like a roll of film , if I get one or two good pictures I can really do something which (i. e. put-in picture frame) I'm happy. With this seminar at least 10 good pictures!Thank you.
While this is a terrific course for sales and purchasing staff. It's possible that this course has even more value for engineers and technical managers. This course opened new perspectives for me.
I was amazed at some of the techniques that have been used on me by other people thus far in my life. From this day forward I will be able to go into future negotiations with my eyes wide open.
This learning will really help me in planning and executing the negotiations with internal customers.
The team's dedication and expertise have driven our success beyond expectations.
My negotiating confidence has increased with this 2 day course. I did not feel I had negotiating power & now that I know the techniques, I feel certain I can have successful negotiations moving forward.
Great content that can be used and benefited both professionally and personally.
I feel like I could negotiate a fish out of water after graduating from this course!
This has been a real eye-opener for me, providing insight and tons of thought-provoking information and skills I can put to use immediately, professionally, and personally. -Bristol
I've always been unimpressed whenever I've attended a seminar. With KARRASS, this is not the case. I'm 100% sure that what I've learned will show results both personally and professionally speaking.
This class was definitely worth the time as it will be beneficial in both my business dealing and also my personal life
This was a wonderful and informative experience. I cannot put a price on this as it was an invaluable experience.
I am not in sales or buying, but I still walked away from this class with a beneficial skill set I will be able to use within my organization and in areas of life outside the workplace. Anyone can benefit from this program.
Since my participation in the KARRASS Effective Negotiating Seminar, it seems that my more recent negotiations have been less stressful from knowing that the other party is under a lot of the same pressures that I am. The process seems much more structured now and I consciously make it a point to go the extra steps to ensure the best results have been attained. Now it's just second nature.
This is an outstanding program and it's a program for everyone-not just members of sales or purchasing organizations.Whereas the Covey program focuses on a conceptual level, this program teaches me the actual techniques and skills. As a product manager, the techniques I've learned from this program will definitely enable me to negotiate more successfully with internal organizations such as engineering, logistics, etc. It will also help me in promoting my product externally to customers.This is the single most important workshop I've ever been to. With all the stuff I've learned, it feels like not just one, but numerous workshops combined into one!
KARRASS takes the art of negotiating to the highest level.
I negotiate all day, every day. This is one of the most practical courses I have ever taken. The material is well-written and our instructor very capably made it come to life. I highly recommend it regardless of your age, skill set or job description.
This program has validated some of the techniques that I have used successfully for over 20 years in commercial real estate negotiation. It has also taught me that there is so much more to learn. I can't wait to take the follow up program.
Great course. Good for anyone that negotiates.
After this seminar I feel I can manage negotiations with a better attitude, and with more confidence, because of the tools and information I learned. I will put them into practice in my personal and professional lives.
Very informative. A must for buyers, sellers, and anyone who spends money!
I picked up many valuable skills that will help me lead negotiations in the right direction, and that will benefit my company.
This program has greatly increased my confidence and ability to negotiate for myself as well as my company.
Excellent program -- brings to conscience what seems intuitive, yet exposes our counter-intuitive tendencies. Redirects your whole approach to negotiations.
Opened my eyes to new approaches.
Effective Negotiating training will help me enter future negotiations more prepared through better planning and understanding of the other party's strategy.
I would recommend this class to all -- very informative. I will use all skills learned in every day life as well as at work.
This is an outstanding course, Recommended for both new and experienced negotiators.
Definitely worth the money!
This seminar is most helpful in my job, there are not many seminars like this available and the cases are wonderful practice!
A very intense two days, that you will come out and still want more.
The program was great, I'll recommend to all buyers at my company.
The information and material presented was clear, concise, and real world' information that I can apply to everyday scenarios.
The KARRASS seminar was Excellent! Opened my eyes to a new way to negotiate.
It's the first training class I've been to in a long time that I didn't want to leave after 2 hours and was sorry to see it end.
Negotiation principals presented in an entirely new way. -Areva NP
The KARRASS class was the single best training class/seminar I have ever attended. The instructor had a refreshing ability to keep the entire class engaged at all times. That is rare in business seminars these days. Every time we did an exercise it taught you what to do differently next time. Thanks.
Very informative, energetic. I would recommend the program to all buyers. Shows both sides of the coin.
The material in this course helps take the blinders off the traditional zero sum negotiating game.
Excellent program. Every buyer should attend no matter what level of experience.
This really works, have been very effective in negotiating a spare parts contracts.
Greatest course ever.
The KARRASS Effective Negotiating Seminar is an excellent way for everyone (rookie to experienced) to have negotiating skills.
This course forced me to evaluate my previous experiences in negotiation. I was surprised the number of ways and identify how to improve.
I now have a way to put the puzzle pieces together. This will assist with my understanding both sellers and buyers perspectives coming into and during a negotiation.
Outstanding and intriguing!The skills learned in this course can be applied to all aspects of life.
Great course would recommend it to everyone
The class puts a new perspective on the entire negotiation process and really puts the process and procedure into a format that makes buyers or negotiating an exciting activity.
This provided great insight into not only the others side of a negotiating, but into my own motives, aspirations, and goals. It was very enlightening.
I think this program is great. As someone without very much experience in negotiating, I now feel confident going into these situations.
I would recommend that all involved in various forms of negotiating take this seminar not once, but on a 2-3 year cyclical rotation as a refresher.
I found the KARRASS negotiation course extremely valuable almost immediately. Within one month of completing the course I led a negotiation team on a project valued over $180 million. Through a series of intense negotiations we were successful in increasing our revenue more than $30 million. We faced the full gambit of challenges and techniques throughout the negotiation, and I felt we were well prepared to negotiate to a successful conclusion. Most important, both sides of the negotiation have been happy with the outcome.
Worth the money-many practical uses.
I am delighted with what I have learned. Having 20 and 30 negotiating tactics available that I can draw from are great. Thank you!
This is a very good seminar. I learned a lot of new tactics and found it very useful. Very entertaining class!
Whether you have experience in negotiation or not, this seminar is extremely valuable! You can use what you learn in your professional or person life.
Fast paced and fun course.
Great Class. I will use this everyday.
Great information and overall great seminar. I learned that sometimes it's best to just stay quiet!
This course is effective no matter what company or level of status that you are involved with.
Effective Negotiating is a wonderful tool that participants will use in their private lives and more importantly on the job. Negotiating is an art that I plan on using and practicing for the rest of my life. This class was invaluable!
It was great. Useful in business and personal life. I wish I had the course years ago.
This training is intense and engaging: it really inspires you.
The program was stimulating, interesting and interactive. A lot of useful strategies were presented that I will be sure to find useful.
This training will help make me able to take a logical approach to negotiating
A more than worthwhile seminar, well presented, stimulating, even fun.
Excellent! I can apply it directly to my job.
This is an outstanding course that has tremendous benefits for anyone who buys or sells things. Very real-world information that can be put into immediate practice professionally and personally.
There is good reason why KARRASS is known as a World Leader."
Program was great. Useful for business and life
KARRASS choreographs the steps of the negotiating dance.
Works in everyday life. Will make you a smart negotiator!
This is an outstanding program. I would strongly recommend.
This class taught me skills which will improve my level of success in negotiations.
As a system engineer manager, I now know that failure by me and my people to understand negotiating principles and tactics might be costing my company tens of millions during contract negotiations. KARRASS training has really helped to move that money to our corporate bottom line.
This really will help me prepare for my next important negotiation.
This program opened my eyes to the world of negotiation. I know I am better prepared to go into a negotiation with a customer, colleague or my wife.
I use the lessons and techniques daily in my dealings with customers and distributors. It helps me to prepare my plan for a negotiation, as well as prepare for the other party's negotiation strategy. I have seen an increase in sales and an increase in customer satisfaction! Thank you!
Instructor Eric's very user friendly and use various instruction tactics to make the course enjoyable and allows you to talk away with a wealth of knowledge. The Power of Knowledge!!
KARRASS Seminar helped me to better understand the position of each party during a negotiation, also be fair with the other party but at the same time achieve the expected outcome.
The class got me out of my negotiating shell, and provided me structure and confidence to negotiate and know what others are trying to do.
Even engineers can benefit from this Effective Negotiating class. It's not only about specs. At some point, you'll need to discuss price of raw materials, equipment, etc. And having another arrow in the quiver makes you that much more intimidating and effective.
This was the most stimulating seminar I've ever been through. The material, discussions, use of real life examples were memorable. I know this program will save millions for my company.
This program will teach you things you didn't know you knew. Informative for even the most experienced negotiator.
This course has provided me with the necessary tools in order to ask the right questions, but more importantly at the right time, in order to get the necessary information from my customers, but also in my person life.
An experience of a lifetime - skills were provided that can immediately lead to results and success.
Outstanding! This course can benefit employees at all levels of an organization.
The seminar has allowed our group to gain a better handle on all the air contracts we have in place. Reworking the existing agreements and proposed agreements has realized a division savings of over $1.4M. The negotiating strategies I learned are working not only in my professional life but also in my personal life. Outstanding!
This is the best business course I've ever taken.
Negotiation is a 2-way street! This course provides an opportunity to understand pressures on both sides so you don't sell (or buy) yourself short! Great training!
This will help me better understand what's going on during negotiations, so that I can better strategize. It will make me be a better strategic negotiator, not just a natural one.
Fantastic course, would highly recommend who engages in negotiations either professionally or personally.
It was one of the best seminars we have ever attended. It was invigorating and the materials supplied were very good as well, and will be excellent reference resources. -Hill
The practice negotiations section was very informative. I can really use this in real life applications.
Great program! I learned as much in two days as I did in other previous training courses that were one to two weeks long.
It's been a long time since I went to a seminar where the presenter kept me awake for two days. I want to congratulate Karrass in preparing such a dynamic, enthusiastic and fun seminar. It was great!
This is a great program that will really help as I begin to work with my suppliers.
Good recap. Enjoyed the fact that you can apply this to business and personal matters.
It opened my eyes to many aspects of negotiating I did not know existed.
This has been the most informational seminar I've ever had.
This program validated what I already knew and showed me where I need to work to become an effective negotiator.
I considered myself a good negotiator, now I consider myself a great and well informed negotiator.
The best tool I took away from the course was the strategy of concession making. This was, without any doubt a very useful seminar. Compared to other training I've received, this was Excellent!
This is an excellent program. I now have confidence in my negotiating skills.
Fun class enjoyed presenter and his presentation of a difficult subject.
Great program. Presenter was very professional.
The training reminded me about all the possibilities to consider and the power I have. Your suggested approaches were different and helpful. I definitely have improved my skills and confidence level. You did a great job!
This is the greatest of all Negotiation Seminars. This is the one and only. The Mother of all Negotiation Seminars'
The program helps buyers map their way through the negotiating minefield.
Now I am much more comfortable negotiating with vendors. I am not afraid to ask for just about anything, all they can do is say no. The class really helped me.
Great seminar, I learned techniques I would never have thought of using. Opened up a new sense of power and understanding on my way of negotiating.
The program takes basic human relations principles and puts them in the context of negotiating. I have learned several techniques and tools that will create more win-win negotiations with Albertson's and our vendors.
Well worth the fee as this will have an immediate impact to ourbottom line.
Without a doubt the most entertaining training course I have ever had, I almost forgot that it was a training course. And I really learned a lot!
Dr. Karrass' program is like a magnifying glass to negotiating. What you thought you perceived about making deals you now see in a larger scope and in much greater detail.
Great Job. Really useful negotiating techniques.
Very insightful seminar. Tremendous amount of energy that makes a potentially dry topic, fun and enlighting.
Great class, high energy, useful negotiation exercises
Improve your negotiating and communicating skills. This was the most informative seminar that I have ever attended, Thanks!
Very helpful in understanding what elements make up the better negotiation techniques.
It was very fun and informative. I never realized what all went into negotiating until this seminar. I'm just wondering how much money I left on the table!'
This program was great! I came into the program with minimal negotiation experience now I have some real negotiating power. This will definitely help me in my every day life!
This training has helped me to not only learn to say no but also how to more effectively offer concessions and negotiate counter offers.
It definitely boosted my confidence in how I can approach a negotiation. Helped me to realize that I have more power than I had.
This course will definitely help me to improve my skills in negotiating.
Tools and knowledge for negotiating in everyday life! Gotta love it!
Program is really good! It will give you added confidence with any future negotiation.
All of us either buy or sell all the time. Effective Negotiating is an essential tool to put in one's toolbox.
This program has enabled me to understand that there are always two sides of the story and skills learned in this class have allowed me to do my job better than ever.
Not only was the course fantastic, my first day back to work the course paid for itself ten fold. Definitely a worthwhile experience!
The KARRASS Negotiating seminar was one of the best, most effective seminars I have ever attended. For any subject! The tools and skills presented are directly applicable in my profession, as well as in my personal negotiations.
An inspiring view of negotiations in life situations. A very interesting view of business transactions.
Great program—lots of energy.
This will really help me to a better approach when it comes to resolving conflicts and barriers.
Excellent. An eye opening seminar.
This course will allow me not to be so focused on me, and enable me to hear/see the value in my external references to get to a true win/win.
This class has brought a level of negotiating awareness that I will truly benefit from.
I will never be able to approach interactions with other on any level without thinking about what I have learned in this course.
I now feel confident in entering into a negotiation that I will weigh in far more factors then ever before.
The range of negotiating tactics presented from such a dynamic instructor will have an extraordinary impact as I take and apply the skills in my organization.
The KARRASS Effective Negotiating program is invaluable to any business professional involved in negotiating contacts
The program gave me new and different perspective on negotiating tactics.
The program had a high energy level, interactive material content, and group participation and will be of value to anyone who negotiates in the work place and their personal life.
Very practical, hands on, program.
Very Educational and engaging, exceeded all my expectations
This was very effective with a strong focus on both-win negotiating
This seminar will greatly help our department to achieve satisfaction in our negotiations with our clients. The presentation was informative, concise, and entertaining. Thank you.
I have negotiating for many years. Now I understand better how to find out what the other side is willing to do. That puts me in the driver's seat.
I now have a thorough understanding of negotiating targeting a both/win outcome. I will never consider conceding without being granted a concession.
The course content and flow are outstanding. The instructor is alive and interesting. The workbook and other materials give me assurance that I can keep what I've learned and paid for.
KARRASS Negotiating Seminars, are a simple hands on approach that make learning negotiating skills, fun, engaging and memorable.
I originally didn't believe I would learn much from this seminar as I have been in 14 sales for 30+ years. Man was I wrong!
This has truly been a phenomenal experience. I learned more than I thought I would. The negotiations course will help me in my professional & personal life. I feel like I have an advantage in negotiating over all the people who haven't taken this course before.
Very valuable tools and strategies that can be applied to both personal and work environments. It helps to understand that we may have more power than we think in negotiating, and can use creative ways to provide both parties a win/win negotiation. Fun seminar. Highly recommend to others!
Great program. It has something for everyone from beginner to expert. It will help to make the skills that I have sharper.
The program was great! My seminar leader and the structure of the course kept me constantly stimulated. I now am better prepared to go into an important negotiation meeting and stay in control, while finishing the meeting satisfied.
Well worth the time and investment. The best sales training I've had in my 16 year career.
Selling is part of our daily lives and we don't even know it! This seminar teaches you all the essentials and open your eyes and mind to common selling practices. Everything is negotiable! Great seminar, 100% recommend it.
This two day seminar was more informative/helpful than my four-year business degree.
This is the first really viable seminar I've ever been to. It tackles all areas of organization structure.
We had one really difficult negotiation with a firm to determine pricing for their services. It was the worst negotiation I have ever experienced. The training from the Karrass course gave me a definite advantage. Our outcome was positive, fair and beneficial to both parties. Your training also caused me to question what might be the reason for the tough stance they were taking. Some of the reasons, time has now revealed. They were issues that you covered in the seminar. It was wonderful training and the monthly negotiating tips have been great. Thank you!
The program was excellent. The instructor, materials, and topics covered were well above par. Definitely the most advantageous class/seminar I have attended in my professional career will help quite a bit both at work and at home.
This course electrifies common sense negotiations with tact and strategy and gives the student real world armor for real world situations.
Great stuff! Save my fee on my first negotiation after this class.
The content in this course opened up areas of negotiations I didn't know existed.
This course is a must for anyone who is seriously interested in doing the best job possible.
Great content and presentation. I really learned a lot.
Very positive, very enabling.
Great presentation of material and interactive exercises. Very knowledgeable instructor. Very entertaining
The KARRASS Seminar was an excellent program that taught me in further detail about the science and art of negotiating. The mock negotiations really helped to reinforce the tools that were just learned.
Loved the program, the presenter was great. As a buyer this certainly enhances my negotiation skills.
Excellent layout of negotiating basics and more advanced tactics, will help me better prepare for all of my negotiations-even those with my teenaged daughter!
I think this is an outstanding course. Even with 25 experience in purchasing I learned some new things.
The seminar takes simple ideas and concepts which are often missed and shows you how to incorporate them into everyday negotiations.
This is a great program. I will use the tactics and different skills that were taught this week in all of my future negotiations!
After more than 36 years of seeing negotiations, I now have a new visual of how negotiations are really a process. Thanks!
I'm glad I had this course early in my purchasing career so I won't have lost out on so many opportunities.
The program is informative and certainly brings a lot of negotiation tactics that I never thought of to light. It made sense and was presented on a level that was easily understood.
KARRASS is the best negotiation training I have taken. This is a Bang' good seminar.
I will go into negotiations with a much greater confidence now.
This course taught me more in two days than I learned in 12 years of purchasing! The information will be used everyday.
I now realize how to make negotiating a win-win affair.
Outstanding training!
This is a great seminar that applies to all areas in both your professional and personal life.
The feedback, from both groups, was that the instructor and the course material was excellent and that it was one of the best negotiation courses anyone had ever taken. Thanks!
Excellent material, highly engaging andn useful resources.
Very dynamic and informative program!
This class provides a 360˚ view in the art of negotiation.
Excellent course, opened my eyes to concepts I had rough knowledge about. Skills I will use in all phases of my professional and personal life.
I never knew there were so many factors involved in the art of negotiating.
Stimulating and thought provoking. Applicable to all aspects of life both personal and business.
Excellent program! Informative educational and entertaining. Skills learned will prove to close more deals and increase profits.
Eye opening and thoroughly entertaining with direct business applications
Easily applied to every day situations, very relevant.
This is the first course I've attended that has kept my attention and kept me focused for the full two days.
The skills and techniques presented in this seminar will help me be more confident during the negotiation process. KARRASS has taught me to aim high and to be sure to take the time to plan prior to engaging in negotiations.
Most informative, useful, seminar I've ever taken.
This is by far the best seminar I have ever attended. It will be useful in every aspect of life. The seminar leader was very clear and entertaining. It made the seminar extremely easy to follow.
The program is very knowledgeable and informative. It will help me be more effective in dealing professionally and personally. Thanks.
This was a very enjoyable seminar. I found all the information to be useful and helpful.
The best corporate training course I've ever taken.
It is an extremely good program which I will use on every day for internal and external negotiation.
Negotiating was agonizing for me. After this seminar I have more confidence and a different perspective on the whole negotiating process.
Eye Opening!
I have been through quite a few seminars, both with Deutsche and previous employers. I can honestly say that I got the most out of this one. The games were actually helpful. They weren't just a method of acting out an idea, but gave more of a sense of realism.
The KARRASS seminar taught me to think in ways that will lead to successful negotiating outcomes!
Skills revised, plus new ones. Great Seminar.
This seminar has provided me with a clearer understanding of how to negotiate more successfully in both my business and personal endeavors.
This seminar was outstanding and brings to light how everything one does involves some sort of negotiating.
It has helped me put clarity to an otherwise previously mysterious process. Real world examples were really helpful.
The class was filled with professionals that made the case studies and exercises as realistic as possible without laying down cash.
The program opened my eyes to the things I'd been doing right instinctively and most critically, the traps Id fallen into that were always going to limit my negotiating success.
More than expected a journey of personal discovery. Excellent.
Engaging, interesting, much better than most other business training.
The KARRASS Negotiating courses are excellent in building negotiating strategies and confidence.
You'll learn that negotiation skills are not only important for business, but also for life.
This program opened up ideas of possibilities to negotiate anything. If you don't ask you will never know if you could have gotten a better price or better terms-on anything.
I have been traditionally a very weak negotiator both in business and in my personal life (e.g. give in too easy). I now feel like I have a few more tools on my belt to become a more effective negotiator.
This is an excellent program. It stimulates how you perceive and understand the opponent as well as your own powers in negotiating.
It will help me find better solutions for joint projects with our partners, through using better available resources/ negotiations and will help with my personal approach in many aspects I negotiate.
Everyone in any organization could benefit from this knowledge.
Fun and interesting program that will provide benefits in both personal and professional endeavors.
This is essential fundamental training for anyone in project management.