January 8, 2024
SURPRISES IN NEGOTIATIONSYou may encounter a negotiator who uses ‘Surprise’ as a negotiating tactic. Some negotiators feel surprises provide a good way to keep the pressure on the other party. I’ve been caught by surprise many times and it still shakes me up, at least for a short period of time.
I don’t like surprise because it creates distrust and fear. Surprise acts as a communication block. The sudden introduction of unexpected events can cause the other party to lose face and thereby harden his or her position. If this happens the entire negotiation may be in trouble.
Once you recognize that many surprises are negotiating tactics, you are in a better position to respond effectively.
Before you can defend against surprise, it is well to recognize the kinds of surprises you are likely to come up against.
The best thing to do when surprised by a turn of events is to first recognize that this might simply be a negotiating tactic. Give yourself time to think. Listen, say as little as you can, and take a break. A negotiation is not a courtroom or a war. Don’t respond to something new until you sort it out and are prepared to respond effectively.