Business Negotiation November 6, 2012
Resist Like WaterThe Chinese have a saying, “It is well to resist like water.” When water is put under pressure or suddenly made to flow into unfamiliar channels, it falls back. Then, in its own good time, it seeps and creeps back into position, first slowly and then with greater strength reaching its level.
In the face of strong opposition, a negotiator is wise to resist like water; fall back, listen, think, and move forward slowly.
Invest the time to understand the position that is being taken and evaluate ways you can effectively modify the other party’s stated expectations. Create alternatives that can be introduced into the negotiation and determine where your best opportunity for success lies.
Don’t forget that “satisfaction” is the true measurement of success and part of this “satisfaction measurement” is the negotiation process itself. In the face of an aggressive negotiator don’t make it a contest. The more time you take, the better you will understand the situation; the more likely you will be able to create a mutual satisfying agreement.
When you encounter an aggressive negotiator don’t just give in to their demands. Don’t escalate the negotiation into a fight. Resist—but resist like water.