Career Negotiation, Negotiating in Life, Business Negotiation November 1, 2010
Negotiating: Be a better leader.Whether you are the general manager, the negotiation team leader or a solo entrepreneur, you can always work to improve your leadership skills. Good leadership will have a positive impact on your business negotiations, as you are able to set the tone and pace of the negotiations, and if you have a team, lead them through the process.
It’s important not to confuse leadership with management. has a comprehensive take on the distinction, boiling it down to the following:
The article continues to say that managers have subordinates and leaders have followers.
If you are the boss, you most likely want to be a good leader (and manager). Steve Tobak provides a list of “Ten Things That Good Bosses Do” on Among these are:
In essence, leadership is about inspiring people, sometimes by example. As John Quincy Adams said:
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
What makes a good leader? Do you think leadership can be learned? Tell us in the comments.