Business Negotiation September 13, 2016

Are You Looking For Your 2%?

I've found most business negotiations can produce, at a minimum, a 2-3% swing in the resulting outcome. This doesn't sound like much does it? Only a 2% difference in the sales price. Only a 2% difference in the cost of materials. Only a 2% difference in the the amount of time. Only a 2% difference in the engineering specifications, or quality, or . . . . .

When you are negotiating an agreement, pause for a moment, and quantify what a 2% difference would make. When you do I think you are in for a big surprise.

Of course every organization is different, but let's look at a few real examples of the impact this little 2% can make. I will use information from public corporations since their financial statements are readily available as pubic information.

First let's look at Hewlett Packard. What would be the impact of a 2% reduction in cost of goods sold (think of all the procurement/manufacturing/engineering negotiations)? The 2% would result in a 21.7% increase in net profits for Hewlett Packard. What would be the impact of a 2% increase in sales prices (margins negotiated by sales/marketing)? This 2% would result in a 28.7% increase in net profits for Hewlett Packard. The total potential opportunity --- a 50.4% increase in Hewlett Packard's net profits!

What about the Boeing Corporation? What would be the impact of a 2% reduction in cost of goods sold (procurement/manufacturing/engineering negotiations)? The 2% would result in a 26.3% increase in net profits for Boeing. What would be the impact of a 2% increase in sales prices (margins negotiated by sales/marketing)? This 2% would result in a 32.7% increase in net profits for Boeing. The total potential opportunity --- a 59% increase in net profits for the Boeing Corporation!

Look at Caterpillar. What would be the impact of a 2% reduction in cost of goods sold (procurement/manufacturing/engineering negotiations)? The 2% would result in an 18.4% increase in net profits for Caterpillar. What would be the impact of a 2% increase in sales prices (margins negotiated by sales/marketing)? This 2% would result in a 25.4% increase in net profits for Caterpillar. The total potential opportunity --- a 43.8% increase in net profits for Caterpillar!


As you can see, 2% makes a big difference! What about your negotiations? What about your company?

The next time you enter a negotiation, think about what that little 2% could do for your organization. What would be the impact on net profit? Make sure you understand what you might be giving away, or leaving on the negotiating table.

Once you approach your negotiations with a goal of searching for this little 2%, you will find you become more engaged with the other party; both of you will gain more information; and you will find opportunities that neither of you may have thought about before. There may be ways to create significantly more than the 2%. That's one of the secrets of true "BOTH-WIN" negotiating. But it all starts with the search for that little 2%.

Excelente curso que ayuda a conocer y tener una idea más clara sobre estas técnicas de negociación, que uno aplica sin saberlo en algunas ocasiones.

Alexa Rodriguez
at Super Plaza

Es un seminario que te ayuda mucho, te abre más la mente. Te ayuda a pensar como piensa la contraparte. Definitivamente recomiendo el curso.

Hugo Mendez
THM at

Una manera inteligente de evidenciar nuestros recursos existentes y no existentes para el proceso de negociación diario. Al final, negociamos diariamente, incluso con nosotros mismos, y para alcanzar nuestras metas, un proceso de negociación eficaz es un gran aliado fundamental.

Alejandra Rivera Barreda

Los ejercicios de negociación son muy interesantes y resultan de gran ayuda para aplicarlos en casos reales.

Violeta Romero

Es un seminario muy dinámico en el que aprendes estrategias para lograr mejores resultados dentro de tu organización.

Marisol G.
at Urban Science

Me pareció un seminario muy interesante y todos los ejercicios resultaron muy importantes, ya que nos permitieron aplicar lo aprendido durante el seminario.

Luis Cesar Auilar
at BCM

¡Gracias! Un curso muy didáctico y claro. Creo que me llevo más del 5%. Es un curso que cualquier comprador/vendedor debe tomar para mejorar sus habilidades de negociación.

Eric de la Vega

Es un curso muy recomendable, ya que te enseña las herramientas necesarias para lograr mejores negociaciones.

Lorena N.
at BAT

Me pareció muy bueno el curso, creo que me ayudaría mucho en el futuro

Mario Ibarra M.

Excelente curso, lo recomendare a mi red de contactos.

Jimena Martinez
at Vertiv
[email protected][email protected]+1 323 866-3800
Negociación Eficaz®Negociación Eficaz® IINegociando Dentro De Su OrganizaciónEn EmpresaAsiento Reservado
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