Business Negotiation September 20, 2016

Negotiating During Economic Turbulence

During times of economic turbulence (LIKE NOW!) most negotiations get tougher. Don't reduce your bargaining power by making mistakes. Now is not the time!

Here are eight common negotiating missteps people make. Despite their good intentions "not to do that again," mistakes like these happen over and over. Don't fall into these negotiating traps!

  1. Do not underestimate your negotiating power. Most people tend to have more power than they think. Make a systematic analysis of your power -- understand your strengths. Your negotiating power rests on a foundation of more than just competition or financial matters. Your commitment, knowledge, risk taking, hard work, and your negotiating training are also real sources of power. Don't assume the other party knows your weaknesses. On the contrary, assume they do not, and test that assumption. You probably have more power than you think.
  2. Don't be intimidated by status. We all become so accustomed to showing deference to titles and positions that we carry these attitudes into the negotiation. Remember that some experts are superficial; some people with PHD's quit learning years ago; some people in authority are incompetent; a specialist may be excellent in their field but without skill in other areas; learned people, despite high positions of power and authority, sometimes lack the courage to pursue their convictions, or sometimes don't even have a strong conviction on the issue being negotiated.
  3. Remember not to be intimidated by statistics, precedents, principles or regulations. Some of today's decisions are being made on the basis of premises or principles long dead or irrelevant. Be skeptical. Many premises or principles may not apply today -- or do not apply for your specific situation. When necessary, challenge them!
  4. Do not forget that the other party is negotiating with you because they believe there is something they can gain by being there. You may discover that this negotiation, no matter how small, is part of a larger framework in the other party's objectives. This fact alone may provide you greater negotiating power that is apparent from the situation. Be positive in your approach. Assume the other party wants an agreement as much as you do. If it appears they do not -- find out why.
  5. Don't focus on your own problems or your possible losses if a deadlock occurs. In all likelihood, there are consequences for the other party as severe as your own. Concentrate on their problems and issues. These will reveal opportunities for possible ways to agree.
  6. Most negotiations require some concession making. Don't set your initial demands too close to your final objective. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that it pays to start high. Don't be shy about asking for everything you might want and more. Many times your demands are too modest, or too easy to achieve. The other party may not know what they want, or may have a set of values quite different from your own. Remember never to give a concession without obtaining on in return. Don't give concessions away free -- or at least without a thought provoking discussion with the other party about what they are getting. A concession granted too easily does not contribute to the other party's satisfaction as much as one that they struggle to obtain.
  7. It is a mistake to assume you know what the other party wants. It is far more prudent to assume you do not know, and then proceed to discover the realities of the situation by patient testing and discussion. If you proceed to negotiate a deal on the basis of your own untested estimates, you are making a serious mistake.
  8. Never accept the first offer (even if you like it). Many people do. There are two good reasons not to: First, the other party is probably willing to make some concessions. Second, if you do accept the first offer, there is a distinct chance the other party will feel that their offer was foolish and they should have asked for more. Immediately their satisfaction with the agreement will be reduced, and they may find ways to spoil the agreement later. In either case, the negotiator who takes the first offer too fast makes a mistake.

Excelente curso que ayuda a conocer y tener una idea más clara sobre estas técnicas de negociación, que uno aplica sin saberlo en algunas ocasiones.

Alexa Rodriguez
at Super Plaza

Es un seminario que te ayuda mucho, te abre más la mente. Te ayuda a pensar como piensa la contraparte. Definitivamente recomiendo el curso.

Hugo Mendez
THM at

Una manera inteligente de evidenciar nuestros recursos existentes y no existentes para el proceso de negociación diario. Al final, negociamos diariamente, incluso con nosotros mismos, y para alcanzar nuestras metas, un proceso de negociación eficaz es un gran aliado fundamental.

Alejandra Rivera Barreda

Los ejercicios de negociación son muy interesantes y resultan de gran ayuda para aplicarlos en casos reales.

Violeta Romero

Es un seminario muy dinámico en el que aprendes estrategias para lograr mejores resultados dentro de tu organización.

Marisol G.
at Urban Science

Me pareció un seminario muy interesante y todos los ejercicios resultaron muy importantes, ya que nos permitieron aplicar lo aprendido durante el seminario.

Luis Cesar Auilar
at BCM

¡Gracias! Un curso muy didáctico y claro. Creo que me llevo más del 5%. Es un curso que cualquier comprador/vendedor debe tomar para mejorar sus habilidades de negociación.

Eric de la Vega

Es un curso muy recomendable, ya que te enseña las herramientas necesarias para lograr mejores negociaciones.

Lorena N.
at BAT

Me pareció muy bueno el curso, creo que me ayudaría mucho en el futuro

Mario Ibarra M.

Excelente curso, lo recomendare a mi red de contactos.

Jimena Martinez
at Vertiv
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