During times of economic turbulence, most negotiations get tougher. Don't reduce your bargaining power by making mistakes. Now is not the time! Here are eight common negotiating missteps people make. Despite their good intentions "not to do that again," mistakes like these happen over and over. Don't fall...
Bogey, a term seemingly simple yet widely versatile, finds its place not just on golf courses and military radars but also within the strategic frameworks of high-stakes negotiations. This article unravels the layers of this multifaceted term, revealing its significance in the world of golf, the complexities of...
Organizational Constraints and Personal Limits of Authority Step into the world of organizations, where every management decision, negotiation, and collaboration is a delicate balancing act. In this journey, we're going to shine a light on two essential players in this organizational orchestra: organizational constraints and personal limits of authority....
Best and Final Offer Tactics: What is it, How to Respond to it & When to Use the BAFO Strategy Yourself In negotiations, how you make requests and offers can shape the final result. The Best and Final Offer (BAFO) strategy is a powerful tactic that can work in...
If you are looking to take your negotiation skills to the next level from the comfort of your own home, check out our Live Online negotiation course. Everyone knows that practice makes perfect. Similarly, if you want to get better at negotiation, you need to practice negotiating. Tips for Practicing...
Sharing the 7 Biggest Negotiation Myths vs the 7 Most Interesting Negotiation Facts Negotiation is an integral part of both personal and professional life. Whether you are navigating a business deal or settling a dispute with a friend, the art of negotiation is a crucial skill. However, like any...
Having looked at the negotiation process in a broader time frame, we are now in a position to consider the building blocks of planning in a systematic way. To do this, we will use the Pyramid of Planning. Each block of the pyramid represents a key step in...
Negotiating Wants By Dr. Chester Karrass When you’re negotiating, remember to consider how the other party is affected by each action you take. Suppose you make a large concession—thinking it will help resolve differences. Instead of being satisfied, the other party may react by making even greater demands. They may conclude:...
In any business negotiation, the other party will ask something of you. They may ask you whether you want to take it or leave it, or whether you agree with the terms and conditions. In any case, you will have to provide the best answer you can. To...
How sure are you when you walk into a business negotiation? Hopefully you are both confident of your negotiating skills and certain of your position. First, you must be certain of your position, because how can you negotiate on issues you are not sure about? Can you negotiate...
What Does “Firm Price” Mean? And How to Know When a Price is Negotiable Say you want to buy a stainless steel appliance at your favorite big box store. It has a price label affixed right onto its shiny metal face. Is that a firm price? Most people think...
It’s regrettable that the legal profession is held in such disrepute. Newspapers are full of stories about lawyers who abuse their clients and charge unconscionable fees. It is no surprise that so many people wonder if the legal system and its army of lawyers are out of control....
What is something worth? By Dr. Chester Karrass There is a world of difference between what something is worth and what it costs. Things that cost little to produce can carry high price tags, and vice versa. Cost is subordinate to worth from a negotiating standpoint. Worth analysis can shed more...